As part of her quest for inner sustainability Evelien facilitated a talking circle on December 10th with a focus on ‘Reconnection and Inner Sustainability’. Before the talking started a meditation was guided by Teresa to start grounded. One of the participants shares the experience:
“I took part in the talking circle about inner sustainability and was warmly surprised by how human this remote (corona safe) circle was. These hard times we’re all going through made it very hard to feel some kind of connection to the others and through this, to ourselves. Therefore, the inner sustainability talking circle felt perfectly right to get back in touch with the outside world by getting deep into myself. I enjoyed the fact that we were in such a small group that we all had the chance to share and feel safe in that space. Moreover, by diving back into Nature enjoyment experiences, it revived deep feelings of peacefulness and gratefulness for these past times. Today we need to stay inside but tomorrow we will get back into our natural environment and feel once again a glimpse of how we felt during our circle. Thank you for opening this portal.”