House of Modernity

Published on 9 October 2024 at 16:47

An invitation to re-imagine the architecture of modernity: the walls of nation-states and universal reason, the roof of capitalism, and the foundation of separability.

How do we collectively build alternative modes of existence on a planet facing unprecedented crises?
''The House Modernity Built'' is a metaphor that invites conversation around the modern/colonial global imaginary in which being is reduced to knowing, profits take
precedent over people, the earth is treated as a resource rather than a living relationship, and the shiny promises of states, markets, and Western reason are subsidized by the
disavowed harms of impoverishment, genocide, and environmental destruction.
On an evening in the Clockhouse OtherWisers gathered to use the metaphor of a house and explored modernities' architecture through a listening meditation. We began decorating the house in groups that imagines alternative
modes of existence in a context where the house appears to be crumbling, and, indeed, has always been a fantasy.

Read the full story of each group here:

The House Modernity Built Pdf
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